"Four?" Ted offered.
There were five of us. We had more originally, but Jeff kept playing with gun shot noise on the synthesizer during class, and Sarah was a quitter. That left my sister Rebekah, Ted, Verity and myself. We were a Costco sized variety pack of personality. Every Monday was a private lesson with Janet Adams, but each Tuesday afternoon we crowded into the living room piano studio for a group lesson with her sister, Joy Henderson. I learned about actual music and theory from Janet, and with Joy I learned how to make music and fun hold hands.
"We have a very neat piece of music that we will be working on this week." Joy paused to ensure that she had captured our attentions and it worked, "It's a unique blend of two musical genres and I think you'll really like it. It's kind of like what the Beatles did. Does anyone know what the Beatles are famous for?"
Joy looked around not really expecting any of us to know the answer, or even who the Beatles were. We had all been homeschooled so it was a safe guess to say that we didn't know a thing about Eleanor Rigby or Yellow Submarines. Something poked me in that part of my brain where connections connect. I recalled my father telling me exactly why the Beatles were famous, and realized that it was time to regurgitate this information. I knew nothing of
"The Beatles were famous because they blended folk and rock music into a hip new genre with shaggy hair and pointy shoes."
My sisters have never forgiven me for knowing this, or for the favoritism that it bought me with Joy Henderson. But they will thank me someday because now they will never forget the Beatles and why they were famous.

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